Club Meetings
Coastal Carolina Corvette Club meets on the first Sunday of every month starting with social time at 2:30pm. The business meeting starts promptly at 3:00pm and usually runs about an hour. Please check our Event Calendar for exact dates, meeting locations and more information.
Club Newsletter
Our monthly newsletter, Corvette Chronicle, keeps you up to date on club activities, upcoming events and other club business. The Corvette Chronicle is e-mailed or mailed to each member on a monthly basis; it is also available on the website, and at the monthly meetings. The newsletter helps you to stay in touch and you will be amazed to read about the number of Corvette events that occur year round in North and South Carolina.
Club Activities
Coastal Carolina Corvette Club has a very busy activities calendar, which offers members events such as monthly outings, day trips, dinners, club picnic, Christmas party, and weekend trips.
Club Merchandise
The club offers to the members several items such as club name tags, club car flags, club polo shirts, club jackets, club decals, club t-shirts, club hats, and special event t-shirts.
Club Resources
While attending our monthly meetings, you will learn about both regional and national events and discover the many publications dedicated to the Corvette. If you need help with your car, chances are a fellow member can offer assistance, or at least direct you to someone who can.
Additional Benefits
Other member benefits include:
- Technical Expertise
- Club Website
- Club Facebook (Private - members only and Public Groups)
- Club Awards
- Fun and Friendship
Membership Information
The only requirement for membership is that you own a Corvette!
New membership includes membership card(s), club decal(s), our monthly newsletter, a copy of the Club Bylaws, discounts at various local businesses, and a copy of our Membership Directory.
Renewal memberships include the same as above with the exception of the club decal(s).
Membership Dues
New Membership
Family $55.00
Single $45.00
Family $45.00
Single $35.00
*Renewal Dues are assessed a $10.00 fee if not paid by the January meeting.
For additional information regarding club membership, please contact the VP-Membership:
Maintaining Club Membership
To maintain your membership in Coastal Carolina Corvette Club you must renew your dues annually and maintain ownership of a Corvette. Sale of your Corvette does not affect membership for the remainder of the current year or six (6) months, whichever is longest.
Members wishing to hold an elected office or vote in elections must be current on their membership and be a member in good standing. Good Standing qualifications are:
- Attend at least four (4) club meetings in a 12-month period
- Participate in at least two (2) social events in a 12-month period
- Contribute three (3) door prizes for general club car shows (minimum value $20 total), excluding the Vettes Doin’ Charleston show
Maintaining Member Information
Members are encouraged to keep the club informed of any changes such as phone number, address change, new e-mail address or a change in your Corvette ownership. To make changes, sign in using the Member Login and update your Profile information.